The current Leader of the House,
His Honour the Vice President Slumber Tsogwane

There shall be a Leader of the House, who shall be the primary link between the Executive and the Legislature.

Duties of the Leader of the House shall include:

  1.  The selection of the Public bills and/or policies to be presented before Parliament.
  2.  The arrangement of Government business in the House.
  3.  By virtue of His/her office, He or She shall be a Member of the Business Advisory Committee.
  4.  The moving of procedural motions relating to the business of the House.
  5.  Response, on behalf of the President, to the debate upon the State of the Nation Address where instructed to do so by the President and shall be allotted more time than ordinary Members.
  6. The communication to, and with, the Speaker of the proposed dates of prorogation and/or dissolution of the House as determined by the President.
  7.  Chairing All-Party Caucus meetings and/or briefing associated with and/or directed to the dispatch of Government business or any aspect thereof.

In the event of absence, illness or other non availability  of the Leader of the House, the President shall designate in writing another Minister to discharge the duties of the former.

Former Leaders of the House:

  • Hon. Q. K. J. Masire, MP
    1965 - 1980
  • Hon. L. M. Seretse, MP
    1980 - 1983
  • Hon. P. S. Mmusi, MP
    1983 - 1992
  • Hon. F. G. Mogae, MP
    1992 - 1998
  • Hon. D. K. Kwelagobe, MP
    1998 - 2004
  • Hon. Lt. Gen. M. S. Merafhe, MP
    2004 - 2008, 2009-2012
  • Hon. L. E. Motsumi, MP
    2008 - 2009
  • Hon. P. H. K. Kedikilwe, MP
    2012 - 2014
  • Hon. M. E. K. Masisi, MP
    2014 - 2018
  • Hon. S. Tsogwane, MP 
    2018 to date